1 | 你必须忘掉一切你所学 | You must unlearn what you have learned | |
2 | 你刚才说的和我们从目击者们那里了解到的不一致。 | What you have just said does not accord with what we have learned from the witnesses. | |
3 | 你一旦学会了就永远不会忘记的 | Once you have learned it, you ’ll never forget it. | |
4 | 你在这样短的时间内把英语学得这么好,真是令人吃惊 | It is surprising that you should have learned English so well in such a short time | |
5 | 然而,通过过去几十年的研究,试验心理学家掌握了能够使他人让步、服从和改变的可靠方法。 | Over the past several decades, though, experimental psychologists have learned which methods reliably lead people to concede, comply, or change | |
6 | 让我提醒你一下,关于上节课所学的内容 | Let me remind you of what we have learned last period (refresh your memory last time we talked about). | |
7 | 人们已经学会了“性骚扰”这个名词,可是通常并不确知它的意义。如果一个男人瞪着眼睛看一个女人的生理部位,或说“黄色”笑话,这是不是性骚扰?一位男士能否邀[女]同约会而不过分?如何防止性骚扰?何时才应向有关方面报告? | People have learned the phrase"sexual harassment"but are generally uncertain about its meaning.Is it harassment if a man stares at a woman’s anatomy,or tells an off-color joke?Can a guy ask a coworker for a date without crossing the line?How can harassment be discouraged?When should it be reported? | |
8 | 人怎么能买不存在的东西呢?真正聪明的人知道快乐是个虚幻的目标,并且学会了接受事实。只有那些什么都不懂的傻瓜才会快乐,例如小孩。 | how can people buy something that doesn’t exist? The really smart people know happiness is an illusive goal and have learned to live with the fact. It’s only the dumb people who don’t know any better that are happy, such as children. | |
9 | 日本队的年轻选手在仙台和大阪的比赛中积累了很多经验,他们在心理上已经成熟了,队员之间的协调越来越好。 | Japanese young players have learned much in the matches in Sendai and Osaka. They must be mentally matured.Communication between players are getting better. | |
10 | 如果你想学习某些新东西,那么你就需要犯些错误,只有这样才能充分理解你所学习的知识。 | If you learn something new, you are then required to make mistakes in order to fully understand what you have learned . | |
11 | 如果我用同样的课本、同样的时间在家里自学,我完全可以学到比在学校多一倍的知识。 | Seriously, I can honestly say that if I sit down with the same textbooks and the same amount of time, I could learn more than twice the amount of stuff that I have learned in all the years of my schooling in half the time | |
12 | 如你出国的话,你学的英语将会派上大用场。 | The English you have learned will come in very useful if you go abroad | |
13 | 身为一个"居住在雅加达的新加坡混血儿",以及一个在多元种族、多种语言环境中长大的小孩,彭妮似乎学会了如何跨越文化的界限。 | "As ""a Singaporean of mixed parentage living in Jakarta"" and as a child growing up in a multi-ethnic and multi-lingual environment, Bonny seemed to have learned to cross cultural boundaries." | |
14 | 是你学以致用的时候了。 | It is time to put into practice the things you have learned . | |
15 | 谈谈关于这个英雄的启示 | Say sth about what you have learned from the hero | |
16 | 通过这样做,可以说我们已取得了有关天文学定律或是群居性昆虫习惯等的所有知识。 | In this way we have learned all that we know of the laws of astronomy, or of the habits of the social insects, let us say. | |
17 | 蜗牛加酒烧煮后,便成了世界上许多地方的一道珍奇的名菜,有不计其数的人们从小就知道蜗牛可做菜。 | Cooked in wine, snails are a great luxury in various parts of the world. There are countless people who, ever since their early years, have learned to associate snails with food. | |
18 | 我从我的老师那里学到了很多 | I have learned a lot from my teachers | |
19 | 我看着那条蛇皮,自忖它实在算不上漂亮,但我明白决不能对孩子冷淡抑或感到厌烦。 | I stared at the organic wrapper and thought to myself that it really wasn’t that beautiful, but I have learned never to appear nonchalant or jaded with children. | |
20 | 我们的经验教训有许多条,最重要的一条,就是要搞清楚这个问题。 | The most important lesson we have learned , among a great many others, is that we must be clear about those questions. | |
21 | 我们的一条经验是,发展顺利时要看到出现的新问题,发展要适度,经济过热就容易出毛病。 | One thing we have learned is that when development is going smoothly, we have to foresee new problems and keep to an appropriate pace,if the economy overheats, it may well cause trouble. | |
22 | 我们懂得历史的经验教训。 | We have learned our lesson from history. | |
23 | 我们懂得了我们必须像真正的人那样生活,而不是像埋首沙堆的驼鸟、或强占马槽的狗那样生活。 | We have learned that we must live as men, not as ostriches, nor as dogs in the manger | |
24 | 我们改革的内容为什么那么广泛深刻呢?因为我们有“文化大革命”的教训。 | Why? Because we have learned from the ``cultural revolution’’. | |
25 | 我们搞建设有三十九年,有成功的经验,也有失败的教训。 | During the past 39 years of economic development, we have learned from both our successes and our failures. | |
26 | 我们还没有能够抛弃背得烂熟的抽象的公式。 | We are still unable to refrain from abstract formulas which we have learned by rote | |
27 | 我们今天要全面复习我们所学过的东西。 | Today we’ll have a general review of what we have learned so far. | |
28 | 我们取得的成就,如果有一点经验的话,那就是这几年来重申了毛泽东同志提倡的实事求是的原则。 | If we have learned anything from our achievements in these years, it is that we were right to reaffirm the principle of seeking truth from facts, as advocated by Comrade Mao Zedong. | |
29 | 我们学会了如何谋生,但不懂得怎样生活才有意义,我们一天天老去,但未曾给生命增添色彩 | We have learned how to make a living, but not a life; we have added years to life, not life to years | |
30 | 我们也从这件事吸取了教训。 | We also have learned a lesson from this. |